Sunday, September 23, 2012

Yup, my house is dirty. I'm a working mom!

Lately, I look around my house and just groan at the mess... but what do I do instead of clean it?
  1. I play with my baby.  I have discovered little ways to make him giggle! Who wants to vacuum instead of get giggles!
  2. I eat dinner with my husband- well sometimes it is in parallel and sometimes it is in series.
  3. I dink around around the internet- someone has to supply you with pictures of my cutie!
  4. I go to bed- this whole working mom gig is exhausting!
So... my house is messy, the dishes aren't clean, and the laundry piles up, but I've got better things to do!   (Nick is a huge help!)

Okay, okay, the real reason you are here!

Sunglasses fashion show!

So silly!
In the hood!

Big Boy bathtub!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

3 months old!

That's right!  Our little peanut is now 3 months old (or as Eric would say, 0.25 years old)!  And he had a growth spurt this past week, so Nick has started calling him "chunky peanut butter."  The growth spurt was rough on me since Owen was up multiple times for a few nights, but he is still a good sleeper!  He even slept through the night a few times this week.
What can I say, except that we've been busy!  Are you noticing a theme?

Friday, we went to Todd and Jess's wedding and even got to see Grandma and Grandpa Gnadt!  How did I forget to take pictures???  Urgh!

Saturday, Owen and I went to a baby shower for Renee.  The cupcakes were amazing! 

Then, we all headed down to the Badger tailgate!  Please ignore the lack of pictures!  Owen spit up inside of his really cute badger onesie...

On Sunday, Grandma and Grandpa Hopkins came to visit!  We went to Olbrich Botanical Gardens, and they stayed to play for a bit!

Playing with Grandpa John!

Clapping with Grandma!

Then on Monday, Owen and I went to Janesville to play with Baden and Nolan! 

Throw a growth spurt and work in there... no wonder we're tired! 

Oh well... here are some pics!  I know how to bribe you!

3 months!  And giggles!

2 months!

1 month!
Playing with Dad is lots of fun!
Look how strong I am getting!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Back to work

What a crazy week this has been... Labor day weekend and the end of my maternity leave! 

Let's start with our busy weekend! 

Saturday was sooo busy!  We started off the day by getting Owen dressed up in his Badger outfit and off to the Badger game we went!  Eric's tailgate was in full force when we got there.  The age demographic of the tailgate has changed slightly, with almost everyone there having a kid or having one on the way!  It was great to see everyone at the tailgate... the Becks, the Morettis, and the Hubers were in from out of town! 

The tailgates have changed a little bit!

After a great tailgate, we headed down to the game.  The Badgers didn't look too good, but Owen and Mason did great! 

 Saturday night was just as busy as we headed to our neighbor's house for some burgers.  They had already eaten though, so we had sun chips and rice crispy treats for dinner!  Yum! 

We were exhausted after that crazy day, so we were excited when Owen slept through the night! 
Sunday was equally as busy!  After church, Nick took me to target to get my first Pumpkin Spice Latte (PSL) of the season (thanks for the heads up Heather)!  Then after lunch, we headed to the zoo with the Kandikos!  It was fun.  Hot but fun!  And since we were very tired after a crazy day, we were very excited Owen slept through the night again! 

Sweaty mom and baby!

On Labor day, our coffee maker died... :( #whattimedoestargetopen

Later that day, after the coffee dilemia was fixed, the Nardis came over to play!  Dexter and Eve were so good with Owen. 

Dexter making Owen laugh!

Eve loved talking to Owen!

Then reality set in... I had to get my pump ready to take to work.  I pouted the rest of the night while finding my name badge, pulling my lunch box out, and trying to remember my passwords.  Then, I stopped fighting it and just went to bed.

Good news!  Owen learned to roll from back to belly!  Ok, he did it once... while swaddled on Monday night... and he was not happy!  He has enjoyed rolling onto and sleeping on his side since he learned he could do it.   He has only rolled completely over that once, but it was enough for me to switch him to a sleep sack.  I didn't know if he would do well unswaddled, but he sleeps pretty well still.

Why was I worried?  He's an amazing sleeper!

Tuesday went way better than I thought it would.  I think it was easier on me since I get to sneak out of the house before Owen gets up.  Nick has to be the bad guy and take him to day care.  I get to be the good guy!  :) 

Come Tuesday night, I was exhausted.  I wanted to watch the Michelle Obama speech, but my eyes had different ideas.  Good thing I had Wednesday off and got to play with my little guy (and nap)!

Rockin' the bumbo!

Back to work on Thursday... boo!

Friday was fun!  Nick has a lot of PTO and has been asked to use some of it, so he took the day off.  I worked an evening shift, so it was nice to spend the day with my boys and to not have to take Owen to day care for 3 hours.  The boys did great together!  Bedtime was a little rough, but they'll get it down!  Everyone was fed and in bed asleep when I got home at 11:30!

It was a good week overall.  It was tough on emotions and short on sleep, but it was nice to get back to work and start figuring out how to be a working mom.