That's right! Our little peanut is now 3 months old (or as Eric would say, 0.25 years old)! And he had a growth spurt this past week, so Nick has started calling him "chunky peanut butter." The growth spurt was rough on me since Owen was up multiple times for a few nights, but he is still a good sleeper! He even slept through the night a few times this week.
What can I say, except that we've been busy! Are you noticing a theme?
Friday, we went to Todd and Jess's wedding and even got to see Grandma and Grandpa Gnadt! How did I forget to take pictures??? Urgh!
Saturday, Owen and I went to a baby shower for Renee. The cupcakes were amazing!
Then, we all headed down to the Badger tailgate! Please ignore the lack of pictures! Owen spit up inside of his really cute badger onesie...
On Sunday, Grandma and Grandpa Hopkins came to visit! We went to Olbrich Botanical Gardens, and they stayed to play for a bit!
Playing with Grandpa John! |
Clapping with Grandma! |
Then on Monday, Owen and I went to Janesville to play with Baden and Nolan!
Throw a growth spurt and work in there... no wonder we're tired!
Oh well... here are some pics! I know how to bribe you!
3 months! And giggles! |
2 months! |
1 month! |
Playing with Dad is lots of fun! |
Look how strong I am getting! |
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