Well, it has been way too long since I last posted. It has been busy... as usual!
Since I had to work over Christmas, we hosted the "Gnadtkins Christmas" and had our parents and siblings over to our house for a great evening of good food, great company, and great gifts!
So many gifts! |
Thanks for the hat, Uncle Aaron! |
After the celebration, we moved our furniture to the basement, so that we could get our new fireplace. After a month of having our family room torn apart. It is finally done! Thanks to Josh for helping us with the fantastic barn beam mantle!
(And our new furniture is coming in March. How silly, Nick thought we weren't getting new furniture!)
Before! |
After! |
After! |
Well, to escape the madness, Owen and I went to Janesville to play with Baden and Nolan! And Amber and I tortured those boys!
Owen (right) and either Baden or Nolan (left)... |
We celebrated our own family Christmas... very low key! Especially, since I had to work and the power went out at church. But Owen loved
unwrapping gifts eating the wrapping paper! And eating all the toys he got. I think he may be teething...
We had great plans for the end of the year. We were planning on attending Gnadt Family Christmas in Milwaukee; we were planning on going to the Krall's for NYE; we were planning on watching the Badgers at the Storck's. We were not planning on all catching Norovirus, but we did. So we canceled all of our plans, bought some pedialyte, and put ourselves in quarantine. Boo! We are all recovered now, but it was a rough week in the Gnadt household! mumble mumble stupid norovirus mumble mumble...
Also, here are some milestones that Owen is working on...
Solids...every morning! |
Crawling... he can go backwards and do whatever this is! |
Have a great week everyone!
PSA- influenza is going around big time and the flu shot is well-matched this year. Go get one and protect yourself and those around you!